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Click the images for more Anthro-info

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The Arch and Anth Podcast

Dr. Michael B. C. Rivera



Humans in 5

Dr. Sarah-Louise Decrausaz

& Dr. Michelle Cameron


Web Series

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Archaeology Podcast Network

Founded by Chris Webster & Tristan Boyle


Collection of Podcasts

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2016 Professional Development class project


Professional Organizations

Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA): 

Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA): 

Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology (CABA-ACAB):

American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA):


Some fun student projects!

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Archaeology Goes Pop!

Podcast by a group from the 2021 Professional Development class about debunking anthropological misinformation in pop culture!


The Song of Homo habilis

By Ryan Newton on Youtube. 

Image: Smithsonian Human Origins Program.


The video that got me into Biological Anthropology - Isabelle

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Did U Know Anthro?

Check out another project from our Professional Development class! This video introduces you to the (often dark) history of anthropology and where we are headed now.

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